Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Miracles from Heaven

“Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles...” Psalm 105: 5

Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” This quote was at the end of the movie “Miracles from Heaven.” It was a miracle that Anna, the young girl whose intestines would not function, fell inside a tree and was healed. A butterfly floats from her body up to heaven, and there are butterflies all around her. The butterfly doesn’t look real, but I do believe God uses butterflies to represent the miracle of new life with Him.

In fact, I have seen this in my world. When my friend Teresa's daughter died, we took her ashes to a waterfall, and she scattered them beside the falls. We went to the car to get the camera to take pictures to help Teresa remember this heartrending time in her life. When we came  backto the site, we saw butterflies floating around the ashes. Teresa said she was comforted by this miracle which confirmed for her that her daughter would be in heaven.

Another friend also told me they took his father-in-law’s ashes about a mile out to sea, and a butterfly followed them all the way. When they put the ashes in the water, the butterfly was gone. These miracles do give us a hope of heaven, and the resurrection.

  I believe I’ll go with Einstein’s thought that we can see everything as a miracle. I have a picture frame with miracle written on it in sliver. In the photo, my mom, my daughter, and my grandson are together. A new baby and three generations of love are a true miracle to me. God has performed miracles in my life every day and not just through seeing butterflies. I know He has protected me from harm, and from the power of Satan.
 We can see miracles everywhere if we would just take the time to look at all the wonders God has put before us. Just the beauty of a tree or the tiniest creature in the sea, typify the splendor of God s miraculous creation. Not only that, but if we are observant enough and open our spiritual eyes, we can see how God sends special circumstances in our lives that answer our prayers in inexplicable ways. The transforming power of God changing a life of sin to one of service for Him is one of the greatest miracles of all. Let’s open our hearts and view the circumstances of life as the true miracles they are.

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